

News 15 Feb 2022
Since February 15, students and teachers must have a COVID certificate according to the new requirements

Since February 15 2022, all employees of scientific and educational institutions, regardless of the form of ownership (irrespective of whether employed under labour or civil law contracts), are required to have a valid vaccination certificate against COVID-19, certificate of post-recovery immunity from COVID-19, or certificate of contraindications to vaccination against COVID-19. At the same time, from February 15, all persons over 18 years of age studying in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions must have a valid vaccination certificate against COVID-19, certificate of post-recovery immunity from COVID-19, or certificate of contraindications to vaccination against COVID-19.

This is reflected in the amendment to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 30, 2021, "On measures to extend the special quarantine regime and remove certain restrictions."

It should be noted that from today the term of validity of COVID certificates will be 6 months according to the certificate, confirming vaccination against covid-19, after which it will become indefinite upon receipt of another dose of the vaccine prescribed instructions on the use of a two-dose vaccine from the manufacturer. The period of the certificate validity confirming that persons infected with COVID-19 have recovered and acquired immunity is 6 months, it'll be indefinite with another dose of the vaccine prescribed instructions on the use of a two-dose vaccine from the manufacturer.
