

News 15 Feb 2022
The opening ceremony of the bas-relief of the ASOIU's martyr is held on his birthday

On February 15, the opening ceremony of the bas-relief of the martyr of the Patriotic War, a graduate of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Davud Gurbanov, took place on his birthday near the house where he lived.

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Council of Elders, Professor Elmira Suleymanova, Chairman of the Binagadi District Organization of New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) Vusar Ismayilov, representatives of the regional executive and ASOIU, the martyr's family members, colleagues and associates, employees of the school where he studied, and public representatives.

The ceremony began with a moment of silence in memory of the martyrs of the 44-day Patriotic War. Then the speakers spoke about the strength of our army and the heroism of the martyrs in the 44-day war that put an end to the 30-year occupation of our lands. The speeches noted the patriotism of Davud Gurbanov and his military path.

Speaking at the ceremony, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Associate Professor Ata Babayev expressed condolences to the martyr's family on behalf of the university administration. Noting that the memory of all the martyrs of the Patriotic War is always highly honoured at the university, A. Babayev said that several measures had been taken to perpetuate their memory.

Then the bas-relief of martyr D. Gurbanov was opened, and flowers were laid.

It should be noted that martyr Gurbanov Davud Tariel oglu was born on February 15, 1996, in Baku. In 2013, he graduated from secondary school-lyceum No. 299 in Baku and entered the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University in the same year. In 2017, he graduated from ASOIU with a bachelor's degree and entered the master's program. In 2019, he was called to active duty. On October 3, he died in the battles for Sugovushan. After the death of Davud Gurbanov, he was awarded the medals "For Motherland" and "For the Liberation of Sugovushan".
