

News 16 Feb 2022
IT courses – Algorithmics starts at ASOIU

On February 15, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the opening ceremony of the educational project "CODE FOR FUTURE", conducted by IT courses – Algorithmics at the initiative of the Ministry of Education.

Opening the event, Rasim Abdullayev, Rector's advisor for IT and Innovation, said that the training project for the "Web Development" and "System Administration" programs would cover 300 students.

Making a speech, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, said that he was glad to partner in such a project, implemented jointly with the Ministry of Education, and expressed hope that the students would justify the trust placed in them. Noting that the project provides ample opportunities for improving the knowledge of 15 employees in the field of programming, along with students studying technical specialities at ASOIU, Rector M. Babanli added that young people have a great responsibility in this regard.

Representative of the Ministry of Education Ulker Sattarova spoke about the importance of the project for students and noted that it creates a wide range of opportunities and perspectives for young people in programming.

Then the project manager Nazrin Aliyeva made a presentation of the project, covering the spring semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. She informed the students about the project's purpose, the stages of the course, and partners, software, and programming languages being studied.

It should be noted that IT courses (Bootcamp) will cover the spring semester of the 2021/2022 academic year at ASOIU as part of a project implemented by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The course is attended by 3rd and 4th-year students of ASOIU studying for a bachelor's degree in technical specialities. The classes will be taught in the "Web Development" and "System Administration" programs covering 300 students. The project aims to train students at the "junior" specialists level.
