

News 16 Feb 2022
Warning and assembly training of civil defence forces held at ASOIU

Warning and assembly training of civil defence forces of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held on February 16. The event was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Chief of Civil Defense Headquarters Elshan Mammadov, faculty and university staff.

Opening the event, Associate Professor A. Babaev spoke about the general instructions for actions in emergencies and emphasized their importance.

Head of the Civil Defense Headquarters E. Mammadov spoke about the possible consequences of emergencies during the pandemic and gave instructions for their prevention, as well as for the elimination of the results of any disaster. Speaking with a detailed report on the topic "Consequences of the use of nuclear weapons", E. Mammadov also talked about the threat to humanity posed by nuclear and biological weapons.

Then the video "How nuclear weapons work" was shown.

In the end, event participants received answers to their questions.

Notably, the assembly meeting aims to prevent emergency situations and help the civil defence forces eliminate the consequences of any occurred disaster.
