

News 24 Feb 2022
II International Scientific Conference stars at ASOIU

On February 24, the II International Scientific Conference "Reconstruction and restoration in post-conflict situations" started at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The conference's opening ceremony was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, vice-rectors, academic staff, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Azerbaijan Technical University, Professor Nurali Yusifbeyli and doctoral students.

The Rector, Professor M. Babanli, presented the topic " Development of the renewable energy sector in Azerbaijan" at the parallel meeting "Natural resources, environmental problems". Speaking about the country's alternative energy potential and the development of renewable energy sources, Rector M.Babanli said that Azerbaijan has a sufficient basis for switching to alternative energy and noted that he was interested in teaching this area at the university.

Speaking at the conference with a video presentation on the topic "Transformation of the energy sector of the 21st century - a view at the energy sector of Azerbaijan", Professor N. Yusifbeyli spoke about the dynamics and essential trends in the transformation of the energy sector.

Transformation of the energy sector of the21- a view of the energy sector of Azerbaijan

Then Head of the Department of Social Sciences of ASOIU, Professor Jamal Mustafayev, presenting on the topic "From the history of the territorial claims of Armenians to Azerbaijan", spoke about the history of the resettlement of Armenians in Azerbaijan, their territorial claims to Azerbaijani lands, as well as historical conflicts.

ASOIU doctoral student Faig Nagiyev made a presentation on the topic "Studying the consequences of environmental terrorism in the liberated Karabakh region". He spoke about the work that can be done to eliminate the consequences of the ecological terror committed by the Armenians in the liberated territories.

Then the conference continued its work in parallel sections.

It should be noted that 127 scientific articles were accepted for the conference. The online and offline scientific conference will end on February 25.
