

News 25 Feb 2022
Azİİ e-Book House hosts a book exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide

On February 25, Azİİ e-Book House ASOIU organised a book exhibition, "Khojaly genocide-30", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide. The exhibition is dedicated to one of the most horrific tragedies and pages in the history of Azerbaijan, the gross violation of international law and norms by the armed forces of Armenia, the destruction of Khojaly and unprecedented atrocities against the civilian population. The exposition included books, documents with various signatures, magazines, samples of periodicals and photographs reflecting the battles of the heroes who gave their lives for the integrity of our lands and the Khojaly massacre in general.

The exhibition also presents 16 volumes of books entitled "Khojaly Genocide: Million Signatures - One Demand". This collection of 16 volumes was prepared due to the Association For Civil Society Development campaign in Azerbaijan, calling for recognising the Khojaly genocide committed by the Armenian aggressors.

It should be noted that the 16-volume collection of signatures "Khojaly Genocide: Million Signatures - One Demand" has been deposited in the archives and libraries of the world's leading international organisations. These signatures are not just the signatures of one million; they are the voices of the victims of the Khojaly tragedy, the voice of millions of Azerbaijanis demanding justice.

The virtual exhibition "Khojaly genocide-30" is also being held online.
