

News 25 Feb 2022
The final seminar of the II International Scientific Conference is held at ASOIU

On February 25, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the final seminar of the II International Scientific Conference, "Reconstruction and restoration in post-conflict situations".

ASOIU academic staff and representatives of local and foreign universities took part in the final seminar of the conference.

At the closing session, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, informed the conference's purpose and presented abstracts and articles. Then the Director of ASOIU BA (PhD, MBA, BBA and ZU) Programs, Professor Rafik Aliyev, spoke on "Reconstruction and restoration in post-conflict situations" and talked about the importance of creating new models of reconstruction in post-conflict situations.

Professor Adil Bayramov, who joined the conference online from Germany, made a presentation on the topic "Deep geothermal: opportunities and development prospects in the Republic of Azerbaijan", and Professor Torleikur Johannesson from Iceland on the topic "Direct use of geothermal resources".

At the end, the reports of the chairpersons of the sections were heard.

At the two-day scientific conference held online and offline, 127 scientific articles were presented.
