

News 10 Mar 2022
UFAZ holds a conference "Women in Science in Global Europe of Higher Education, Research and Innovation"

On March 9, at the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) UFAZ operating under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, on the occasion of International Women's Day was held the conference "Women in Science in Global Europe of Higher Education, Research and Innovation", organized by the Association of Azerbaijani Women in Science (AWiS) and the French Embassy in Azerbaijan.

Opening the conference, UFAZ Secretary-General Elizaveta Bydanova spoke about its importance and the role of women in science.

ASOIU Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafik Jamalov, greeted the conference participants on behalf of the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, noted the topic's relevance and wished the conference success.

Then Sevinj Fataliyeva, Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Milli Majilis of Azerbaijan Republic, Aysel Karimli,  Head of Unit at the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education Jérôme Kelle, Counselor of Cooperation and Cultural Action, French Embassy to Azerbaijan and Professor Catherine Florentz, Vice President Foresight and Strategic Actions, University of Strasbourg participated and others delivered a speech about statistics development, the unique role of women in modern society, science and other socio-political spheres.

The conference, also attended by foreign guests, continued with online and offline panel discussions.

The event is taking place within the framework of the French Presidency of the EU, and in parallel to the Marseille Conference on Global Europe for Research, Higher Education and Innovation, organized by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Institute of Research for Development and the European Commission, to be held in France.

This discussion aims to highlight the role of women in the area of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in the context of European cooperation both in France and in Azerbaijan. We also believe that this event will help to create stronger links between the association AWiS and our female students to increase in the future the participation of female school girls from different regions of Azerbaijan in UFAZ engineering programs.
