

News 10 Mar 2022
6 ASOIU students become winners of the Scholarship Program" provided by "AzerGold" CJSC

On March 10, the ceremony of awarding the winners of the Scholarship Program contest provided by "AzerGold" CJSC for professional and higher educational institutions took place.

The ceremony was attended by Minister of Education Emin Amrullayev, Chairman of the Executive Board of "AzerGold" CJSC Zakir Ibrahimov, Deputy Director at the State Agency on Vocational Education Jeyhun Karamov, as well as rectors of higher educational institutions and winners of the competition.

Opening the event, the Chairman of the Executive Board of "AzerGold", CJSC Zakir Ibrahimov, congratulated the students who won "AzerGold" scholarships and wished them success in their studies and careers. Speaking about scholarship programs, the board's chairman noted that the project had been implemented since the end of last year as part of a timely mobilisation of resources when identifying staffing needs, determined as part of the company's medium and long-term strategy. The project's primary goal for students studying in the industry and mining field is to increase interest in education further, revealing the potential knowledge and skills of talented students during the work process.

Minister of Education Emin Amrullayev stressed the importance of existing cooperation with "AzerGold" CJSC in the professional field. The Minister noted that implementing such scholarship programs can incentivise young people. He also spoke about the need to involve employers in the vocational education system and conduct training by the requirements of employers. At the end of his speech, Emin Amrullayev congratulated the students who won the scholarship program and wished them success.

Deputy Director of the State Agency for Vocational Education (SAVE), Jeyhun Karamov, spoke about the existing cooperation between "AzerGold" CJSC and SAVE. He said that a total of 60 students studying at the Baku State Vocational Education Center for Industry and Innovations and the Ganja State Vocational Education Centre on Industry and Technology have applied for a scholarship program implemented by the cooperation action plan signed in 2021. Jeyhun Karamov added that the "AzerGold" CJSC held advanced training courses for the teaching staff of several vocational schools and organised visits to the company's production facilities. This year, within the cooperation framework, it is planned to develop new educational programs and resources to modernise the material and technical base.

At the event, it was noted that 9 students of higher educational institutions and 18 students of vocational educational institutions became holders of "AzerGold" scholarships. To support the social protection of students under the programme, each of the 27 winners has already been allocated scholarships totalling 1,800 manats for 9 months. Students participating in the program will be provided with jobs in their respective positions in the future.

Then the rectors of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Azerbaijan Technical University (ATU) and Baku State University (BSU) spoke, whose students won a scholarship program. Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli, recalled that a memorandum of cooperation was signed between ASOIU and "AzerGold" CJSC, noting that the primary goal of bilateral cooperation is to support education and scientific and technological development, promote the formation of human resources specialised in areas of geology and mining. The Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, congratulating the awarded students, said that such projects are essential not only for students but also for educational institutions and industrial enterprises and an incentive for students.

It should be noted that ASOIU students are among the winners of the Scholarship Program competition provided by "AzerGold" CJSC for professional and higher educational institutions. Thus, 6 out of 9 students who won the "Scholarship Program" from higher education institutions are students of ASOIU.

At the end, the scholarship program winners were awarded certificates and souvenirs.
