

News 17 Mar 2022
ASOIU employees visit Borusan Cat Azerbaijan

Representatives of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) visited Borusan Cat Azerbaijan.

The meeting was attended by the Dean of the ASOIU Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor Ali Hikmet Ahmedov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor Tahir Suleymanov, as well as the Borusan Cat Azerbaijan Business Development Leader for Special Projects and Customer Support Ilgar Fakhraddinov, Head of Service Togrul Rustamli, Head of Human Resources, Ayten Mammadova and HR specialist Khanym Hasanova.

After informing ASOIU employees about the company's activities, it was noted that since this year, the company had started a close cooperation with higher education institutions. The goal is to provide internships in the company for senior students of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering and to employ young and talented specialists on a competitive basis.

During the meeting, Associate Professor Ali Hikmet Ahmedov spoke about the university's activities and noted a need for specialists trained by ASOIU in local and international companies or institutions.

Then the company representatives informed about the Borusan Cat Azerbaijan internship program 2022. It was noted that the primary goal of the internship program is to reveal the knowledge of students and attract talented youth to cooperation.
