

News 17 Mar 2022
A training seminar is held for ASOIU students

On March 16, a training seminar was held for Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) students by Focus Group specialist, clinical psychologist Fidan Jabrayilova.

The meeting organiser, Aytaj Malikova, ASOIU Alumni Career Center specialist, greeted the seminar participants and informed the students about the meeting. After providing information about the company's activities, the founder of Focus Group, Ulviya Hummatova, spoke about the seminar's purpose and its importance for students.

Clinical psychologist Fidan Jabrayilova presented the following topics: "What is self-confidence? Why is it needed? How is self-confidence formed? Factors influencing the development of self-confidence? Different views on the concept of self-confidence? How to learn to trust yourself?" The topic, which was interesting for students, continued with discussions. In the end, answers were given to students' questions in these areas.
