

News 29 Mar 2022
A meeting is held with ASOIU students on the Family issues

On March 28, The State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs employees met with the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) students.

At the event dedicated to the topic "Say no to domestic violence", ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Associate Professor Ata Babayev greeted the guests and participants on behalf of the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli. He noted that today's meeting is instructive and essential for young people.

Samra Aliyeva, Senior Adviser of the Family Affairs Department of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of Azerbaijan, and Rafik Makhmudov, Senior Adviser, thanked the university administration for the conditions created for the meeting. In their presentation, the experts noted that such educational events are held regularly and emphasized the importance of the topic of family life for people of all ages, especially young people.

A video presentation was shown at the event, and answers were given to students' questions.
