

News 30 Mar 2022
ASOIU lecturer teaches at Alcala University of Spain

On March 14-18, Gulshan Aliyeva, a teacher at the Foreign Languages ​​Department of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), taught English-II (Advanced) at Alcala University in Spain as part of the Erasmus + program.

During the business trip, G. Aliyeva used various methods to teach students to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through multiple tasks. In the educational process, new textbooks and teaching aids, which began to be used at ASOIU in 2022, were widely applied.

In addition, discussions were held with teachers of the Education and Translation Faculty on new teaching methods, assessment, preparation for midterm and final exams, skills of self and group presentation of students and project development.

It should be noted that the teaching of English-II (Advanced) was carried out for first-year students (Group A and Group B) of the Faculty of Education and Translation of the University of Alcalá, Spain, within the framework of the Erasmus + program. Since the University of Alcala is an international university, students from different countries participated in the groups (for example, Spain, France, Romania, Argentina, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine, China, etc.).
