

News 31 Mar 2022
AzII E-Book House holds an exhibition dedicated to March 31 - the Day of the Genocide of Azerbaijanis

On March 30, AzII E-Book House organized a book exhibition dedicated to March 31 - the Day of the Azerbaijani Genocide.

The exhibition presents books, periodicals and magazines in Azerbaijani, Russian and English, reflecting the genocide of Azerbaijanis, crimes committed by Armenians in Azerbaijan. In total, the exposition included 59 materials.

The exposition also includes "The Genocide of Azerbaijanis - a bloody chronicle of history", "Bloody years" by M. Said Ordubadi, "Policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against Azerbaijanis" by Ali Hasanov. Readers were interested in the books by Jalal Aliyev and Academician Budag Budagov, "Turks, Azerbaijanis, Armenians - the genocide of historical truth."
