

News 04 Apr 2022
Another meeting with doctoral students and dissertators is held at ASOIU

A meeting with doctoral students and dissertators was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Speaking at the event, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, said about developing the scientific potential of young people. Emphasising the importance of science in the development of society at the meeting on the occasion of the Day of Science, Professor L. Gardashova said that the future success of ASOIU as a research university depends on the current doctoral and dissertation students. Therefore, every young person should be responsible in their scientific activities, not only fulfil their duties at a high level but also try to be the best mentor for the next generation.

During the meeting, the Head of the Department of Doctoral Studies of ASOIU, Associate Professor Zulfikar Ibrahimli, introduced the doctoral students to the innovations. He informed them about preparing scientific papers, writing articles, conducting research and other similar issues.
