

News 06 Apr 2022
A meeting between “Young Patriots” Public Association employees and ASOIU students is held

On April 6, a meeting was held with students on the topic "Say No to Drugs" at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on a joint initiative of the Public Association "Young Patriots" and the university.

At the event, at first, a minute of silence was honoured in memory of the heroic sons of Azerbaijan, who sacrificed their lives for Motherland. Then, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, greeted the event participants on behalf of the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli. Speaking about the invaluable role of youth in Azerbaijani society, the Vice-Rector talked about the courage of our brave sons in the 44-day war and their heroic history. He noted that it is no coincidence that the primary audience of today's event is students. Whether in education or individual areas of activity, supporting young people and ensuring their safe and healthy development is always in the spotlight.

The Head of the Public Association "Young Patriots" Mugamat Aliyev thanked the ASOIU administration for the conditions created for the meeting with the students. In his speech, he said that the primary goal of anti-drug activities is to educate young people about drugs, promote the youth, and protect a healthy lifestyle. Recalling that such meetings are regularly held with young people in several country regions, the Head of the Public Association noted that young people's health is a crucial criterion for shaping them as worthy citizens for the state and people.

At the event, the editor-in-chief of Onder TV, Ramil Aliyev, and the media representative of the Public Association "Young Patriots" Leyla Safarova, citing facts gave their recommendations to students.

At the end of the event, the participants were presented with certificates prepared within the framework of the project and T-shirts with anti-drug slogans.

The event participants also visited the monument to the National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov installed at the university and the memorial corner dedicated to ASOIU graduates who died during the Patriotic War.
