

News 07 Apr 2022
INNAB Career Center Specialists conduct training for ASOIU students

On April 7, INNAB Career Center specialists conducted training for Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) students.

The organizer of the meeting, Aytaj Malikova, ASOIU Alumni Career Center specialist, greeted the participants and informed the students about the meeting. Then the Head of the INNAB Career Center, Vusala Huseynova, gave detailed information about career planning. She noted that in addition to developing knowledge and skills, every young person and every student should make a plan for their future career and set a specific goal.

In their speeches, specialists of the INNAB Career Center, Nihal Huseynova and Tunar Suleymanli, noted the need to be able to use modern technologies and the importance of choosing a favourite profession.

During the meeting that was held with an exciting discussion between students and experts, answers were given to students' questions.
