

News 07 Apr 2022
ASOIU holds a meeting on admission to SABAH groups

On April 7, a meeting was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) with first-year students on admission to the SABAH groups for the 2022-2023 academic year.

The meeting was attended by Eldar Gojayev, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee for Educational Issues of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sevinj Aliyeva, Deputy Head of Student Affairs, Leyla Huseynova, Student Affairs Manager, Arzu Ibragimova, Head of ASOIU SABAH groups and students. During the event, a video presentation about the activities of SABAH groups was shown.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee for Academic Affairs of SABAH groups, E. Godjaev, told students detailed information about SABAH Groups, the selection and admission procedure, training opportunities and other benefits. Noting that in addition to the speciality, knowledge of a foreign language is also a priority for students studying in SABAH groups, E.Godzhaev emphasized the significant role of SABAH groups in training personnel by modern labour market standards.

At the end, answers were given to students' questions.

It should be noted that the SABAH was created to improve the quality of education in higher education institutions, to create a new and different environment in the higher education system, to prepare educated, qualified students, and to provide staffing for the growing needs of the labour market.
