

News 08 Apr 2022
A report on educational loans is heard

On April 7, a meeting with a group of media representatives took place at the Educational Student Credit Fund.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of the Fund, Araz Pashayev, spoke about the activities, goals and priorities of the Fund, as well as the report on the issued educational loans for the autumn semester of the 2021-2022 academic year and the establishment of an appropriate format for cooperation with the media.

Araz Pashayev noted that the primary goal of creating this Fund that manifests the state's concern for education is to provide access to education for low-income segments of the population, create equal opportunities in education and expand the education sector.

It was noted that the existence of the Educational Student Credit Fund (ESCF) in Azerbaijan, which unites the best world practices, has created new opportunities for students. In a short period, over 3,000 students received student loans. According to statistics for November-March, more than 5,700 students applied to the Fund for student loans. Of the applications received, 2,899 student loans were issued. Of the issued loans, 1116 are social, and 1783 are standard loans. In the spring semester alone, the Fund received more than 2,700 applications.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of the Fund presented a report on the autumn semester to the media representatives. There was also an exchange of views on the results obtained when considering the statistics of economic regions, educational institutions and specialities on student loans. In addition, at the meeting, the mechanism of the electronic system was live demonstrated, answers were given to questions on the topic, and proposals were listened to and recorded.
