

News 11 Apr 2022
The brain-ring championship dedicated to the 15th anniversary of IGC ASOIU “Magnat” is held

On April 8, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted an internal intellectual competition, Brain Ring, called "Magnat-15", dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the club and organised by the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) and the Intellectual Games Club (IGC) "Magnate".

In total, 12 teams took part in the competition - 7 faculties of ASOIU, teams of BBA, ZU, SABAH groups and the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ).

A video dedicated to the 15th anniversary of IGC "Magnat" was demonstrated at the event. ASOIU graduates and former members of the "Magnat" club shared their memories of the competition and spoke about the importance of intellectual games in effectively organising students' leisure.

Mammadali Mammadov (DJ Fateh), a graduate of AzII, and presenter of intellectual games on television and radio, highly appreciated young people's horizons and intellectual level, noting with regret that during his studies at the university, there were no such intellectual games. He stressed that now in our country, including ASOIU, there are all conditions for youth development.

In an uphill struggle, the Faculty of Information Technologies and Management of ASOIU (ITMF) became the competition's winner. The Faculty of Chemistry and Technology (CTF) of the university took 2nd place, and the Faculty of Economics and Management (EMF) - the 3rd place.

ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, who was present at the event, highly appreciated the participation of young people in such knowledge competitions, congratulated the winners of the competition and members of the club on their anniversary and wished them success.

The competition winners were awarded prizes, and cups were presented at the end.
