

News 13 Apr 2022
Laboratory named after Professor Isa Abdullayev opens at ASOIU

On April 12, at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), with the joint technical support of Atenau LLC and CRESTRON, a laboratory named after Honored Scientist Professor Isa Abdullayev was opened.

The opening ceremony of the "Building Automation and Intelligent Control Systems" laboratory, which will function at the Department of Electronics and Automation, was attended by the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the founder of Atenau LLC Murat Savash, the head Azer Ahmadov, as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, Associate Professor Farid Agayev, Head of the Department of Electronics and Automation Associate Professor Akif Alizade and the Department staff.

In his opening speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, Associate Professor Farid Agayev, noted the merits of Professor I. Abdullayev and stressed the importance of opening a laboratory named after him at ASOIU.

ASOIU Rector, Professor M. Babanli, in his speech, highly appreciated the opening of such a modern laboratory on the day of memory of the outstanding professor. Regarding the importance of laboratories in improving the practical and theoretical content of teaching in IT at the university, Rector M. Babanli hoped that this laboratory, along with practical issues, would play an essential role in creating scientific works.

Highly appreciating the conditions created at the university for the acquisition of practical skills by students, the Head of Atenau LLC, A. Ahmedov, noted that he was glad to take part in the creation of a modern laboratory named after his teacher I. Abdullayev at his native university.

Then the Department of Electronics and Automation teacher, R. Dadashov, made a presentation about the companies among the founders of the laboratory, spoke about their activities and principles of work and noted the benefits of cooperation in education.
