

News 15 Apr 2022
Another presentation of the book takes place in AzII e-Book House

On April 15, the presentation of the manuals "Development of oil and gas fields" and "Oil and Gas Production Technology by Wells " received by AzII e-Book House took place. Books written by the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) employees, Shahin Ismayilov, Arif Suleymanov, Sudaba Novruzova, Haji Malikov, Ingilab Aliyev, Malik Abdullayev, published in 2022 by Elm publishing house, are of high quality and elegant design. The manuals provide detailed information on the theoretical bases of oil and gas shales and deposits, as well as on the production of oil and gas by wells, the operation of oil wells by the flowing method, methods of research and operation of wells.

Opening the event, Salahat Mahmudova, Director of AzII e-Book House, announced that the new editions would be included in the Book House database and system and available to ASOIU students and staff.

Speaking at the presentation, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, said these books are valuable resources for a wide range of readers and noted that there is always a need for such publications. The books' authors also talked about creating the new edition and the topics covered.

It should be noted that the manuals are intended mainly for students studying in the field of oil and gas engineering and engineers working in this field.
