

News 20 Apr 2022
Conference “TIPx: You are the future” is held at ASOIU

On April 19, the State Employment Agency (SEA), under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, held a conference for students on the topic “TIPx: You are the future” at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Jamaladdin Guliyev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the SEA, and Togrul Alekperov, Director of the Central Career Department of the SEA, made an opening speech and spoke about the work done in the field of career planning and the purpose of the conference organised by the Central Career Department of the State Employment Agency within the framework of the project " Student Development Platform (TIP)."

Then Mehriban Nazarova, Executive Director of ATL Academy, presented “Professions of the Future (nowadays)” and talked about the development of technologies and new professions that will appear due to this development.

Further, the speakers made presentations on topics, the founder and director of ROOF Academic Training, IELTS trainer, consultant for studying abroad, Rufat Huseynov on the labour market of the future and today's university education, graphic designer, visual artist, Rasul Gasan on the topic "The Art of Creative Thinking ”, international professional trainer of PCC ICF Syanan Hasanov about “The Road to the Goal”, Ramiz Aliyev, co-founder and coordinator for international relations of the youth organisation “Common Sense” on the topic “What gives us participation in international projects?”.

In the end, answers were given to students' questions.
