

News 20 Apr 2022
Azerbaijani Students and Alumni Platform holds an information session for students of ASOIU

On April 20, the Azerbaijani Students and Alumni Platform (ASAP) held an information session at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). They informed the university students about the activities, projects and events of ASAP.

ASAP team members thanked the university administration for the opportunity to host the event and expressed their opinion on continuing cooperation between ASAP and ASOIU.

The event then presented the structure of ASAP and discussed the work done with the ASAP communities in the target countries. In particular, they talked about opportunities for students to participate in joint projects with alumni associations cooperating with ASAP and the benefits obtained. Leyla Nagiyeva, the Head of the International Projects Sector of ASOIU, introduced the students to the exchange program process.

During the information session, ASAP, in collaboration with ASYOU, announced the application process to become an ASAP representative in universities. ASAP staff said that the ASAP office that will be established in the universities would work closely with the ASAP main office and support students in implementing exchange programs at their universities and establishing contacts with countries where they will continue their education.
