

News 21 Apr 2022
A meeting is held in ASOIU with students on the issue of educational student loans

On April 20, Chairman of the Board of the Student Educational Loans Fund Araz Pashayev and MP Malahat Ibrahimgizi met with students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Deputy Malahat Ibrahimgizi, who spoke at the event, talked about the successful results of youth policy in our country. He noted that now the government pays special attention to young people, including students studying in higher educational institutions. New projects and programs are also designed to help students achieve better learning outcomes and support them in the educational process.

During the information meeting, the Chairman of the Board of the Student Educational Loans Fund, Araz Pashayev, spoke in detail about the activities of the Fund, the rules for applying to the Fund and the criteria for issuing student loans. Araz Pashayev stressed that the primary goal of the Fund's activities is to provide access to education, create equal education opportunities, expand the scope of education and improve the quality of education.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, speaking, noted that creating a fund is very important for students to pay for tuition. At the end, students' questions were answered.
