

News 21 Apr 2022
The Embassy of France, ASOIU and the University of Strasbourg sign a cooperation agreement at UFAZ

     On April 21, the Steering Committee of UFAZ held its 10th-meeting at the Azerbaijani-French University, operating under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

     Before the meeting, the participants - Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mukhtar Mammadov, the Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan Zacharie Gross, the ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the President of University of Strasbourg Michel Deneken, Head of the Science and Higher Education Department Yagub Piriyev, Adviser to the Minister of Education Nijat Mammadli, Unistra Vice President for Academic Partnerships and UFAZ Coordinator Jean-Marc Planeix, UFAZ Executive Director, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, Secretary-General Elizaveta Bydanova, Unistra Professor and Head of UFAZ Research Department Philippe Turek and Head of Education Department Latifa Nasibova visited the newly opened Francophone Career Center at UFAZ. Here they were given detailed information about the centre.

     Then ASOIU, the University of Strasbourg and the French Embassy signed an agreement on cooperation to provide French government scholarships to doctoral students.

     UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Askerov and Secretary-General Yelizaveta Bydanova said the agreement was a new start for the university.

     At the ceremony, Ambassador Zachary Gross said that the document would open up new opportunities for UFAZ students and research between Azerbaijan and France.

     Professor Filip Turek, Head of the Research Department at UFAZ, said that the agreement was an essential start for UFAZ students to pursue their PhDs under the joint supervision of ASOIU and the University of Strasbourg would have the opportunity to conduct research in both countries.

     ASOIU Rector, Professor M. Babanli spoke in his interview about the importance of the agreement, which will be implemented with the financial support of the French Embassy, and expressed hope that this agreement will lead to essential steps in the training of research scientists.

     At the 10th meeting of the UFAZ Steering Committee after the signing ceremony, issues related to the prospects for the 2022/2023 academic year, the classes' organisation, and the UFAZ production experience results were discussed. The parties exchanged views on the latest statistical developments of UFAZ students and undergraduates in 2022 and on the measures to be taken in scientific research.

     It should be noted that the UFAZ Steering Committee meets twice a year in Baku and Strasbourg to discuss all strategic and operational issues of UFAZ. The Committee is the highest governing body of UFAZ, authorised to consider and resolve issues related to UFAZ.
