

News 24 Apr 2022
Rector of Inonu University of Turkey visits ASOIU

On April 22, the Rector of the Turkish Inonu University, Professor Ahmet Kizilay and the delegation accompanying him met with the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli.

Thanking the guests for accepting the invitation and coming to ASOIU, Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the historical relations between the Turkish and Azerbaijani states, noting that this deep connection also played a significant role in establishing close ties in the field of education. Speaking about the educational process at ASOIU, the successes achieved, international relations of the university, specialities, and double degree programs, the Rector expressed hope that relations between Inonu University and ASOIU would develop at an even higher level.

Rector of Inonu University, Professor Ahmet Kizilay, also expressed his satisfaction with his stay at ASOIU and spoke in detail about the university he leads. He noted that they are interested in implementing educational programs and scientific projects together with ASOIU, the leading technical university in Azerbaijan, and said they would use the available opportunities in this direction as a university.

During the meeting, the Rector of Inonu University, Professor Ahmet Kizilay and Professor of the same university Tahmuraz Abbasov, were awarded the "Jubilee medal for the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (1920-2020)". The Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, presented medals to the guests.

Then the guests got acquainted with the training conditions at ASOIU, including UFAZ, and visited the training laboratories.

During the visit, the guests, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli and the university's academic staff visited the grave of great leader Heydar Aliyev, the Alley of Martyrs, Turkish Martyrs' Memorial, installed on the Alley of Honor.
