

News 26 Apr 2022
bp presents modern equipment to ASOIU publishing house

On April 26, after the reconstruction, the opening of the fully equipped modern publishing house of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), equipped with the support of bp, took place.

ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, bp Vice President for the Caspian Region, Communication and International Relations Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli and university staff attended the opening ceremony of the publishing house equipped with new equipment.

After cutting the symbolic ribbon, the Rector, Professor M. Babanli and Vice-President of bp B. Aslanbayli got acquainted with the conditions created in the publishing house and learned about the working principles and operation of modern publishing and printing equipment.

Speaking about the long-term cooperation with bp, ASOIU Rector Professor M. Babanli talked about the work done within the framework of this cooperation, noting the importance for the university of a publishing house equipped with modern technical equipment with the support of bp.

Expressing satisfaction with the partnership with ASOIU, bp Vice-President B. Aslanbayli voiced hope that the reconstructed publishing facility would fully meet the university’s printing and publishing needs and requirements, benefiting and enhancing the academic staff and students’ scientific research activities.

Director of the publishing house A. Mammadalizade said that 14 types of new printing equipment were purchased in cooperation with bp, adding that thanks to the modern material and technical base, the publishing house will work more efficiently and provide a high level of publishing services.

Notably, the project is part of bp’s overall support for local universities to enhance the quality of education and scientific research, improve their educational infrastructure, partner with the leading international universities and transfer the best global educational practices and capabilities to Azerbaijan.
