

News 28 Apr 2022
Several employees and masters of ASOIU receive the "Microsoft Technology Associate" certificate

Cooperation between the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and Microsoft Azerbaijan continues. According to this, 9 teachers of the University's Computer Engineering Department (ass. Nifdalizade Fakhri, ass. Huseynzade Melikha, ass. Kishyeva Nubar, ass. Akhmedova Asmat, ass. Gasanova Afsana, ass. Tural, Ass. Maharramova Makhira), 2 master laboratory assistants (Akhmedova Tunzalya, Ismailova Aytaj) and 3 masters (Aliyev Gismet, Akhundzade Laman, Bagmanov Mukhamed) completed the course "Microsoft Software Development Fundamentals". They received the certificate "Microsoft Technology Associate".

It should be noted that within the framework of cooperation between Microsoft Azerbaijan and ASOIU, the company has implemented several successful programs for students and teachers and new courses and achieved positive results.
