

News 29 Apr 2022
Regular meeting of the Academic Board is held at ASOIU

On April 28, a regular meeting of the Academic Board was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Informing the Board members about the agenda items, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the country's current situation with the coronavirus pandemic. Recalling that the coronavirus epidemic has not yet ended, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, said that from May 1, the requirement to use medical masks and diversify the entrance and exit from university buildings by faculties would be cancelled, and everyone would be able to use the traditional entrance and exit.

Speaking about the educational policy of the university, the work done, innovations and shortcomings, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, informed the members of the council about the projects that are planned to be implemented by the end of 2022: Foreign languages, IT, book translations, food safety laboratories, Bookhouse, a new project of double diploma, harmonisation of IELTS, APTIS and ASOIU assessment scales, as well as projects implemented in ASOIU: publishing house, IT, AZERGOLD, HPC and other issues. The work to be done for each project and specific goals were announced.

According to the agenda, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, gave detailed information on the approval of doctoral and dissertation topics for the PhD program, the restructuring of ETAM - its annual activities, the work done and the concept of the institution, Scientific Secretary, Associate Professor Narmina Aliyeva on qualification work, IESDRI Director Hamlet Huseynov about the internship and advanced training of the teaching staff. Also, at the meeting of the Academic Board on Digital ASOIU, reports were made by: Advisor to the Rector Rasim Abdullayev on the restructuring of the IT department and management units, Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor Ilham Rustamov with the annual report of EMF, Chairman of the Student Scientific Society Elviz Ismailov with a report on the activities of the society, Head of the Department Computer Engineering, Associate Professor Nazila Rahimova with a report on the revision of the curriculum of subjects taught in the field of IT at ASOIU.

After discussing the agenda items at the meeting of the Academic Board and making unanimous decisions, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, made comments and suggestions on all issues and gave instructions on the upcoming work and future goals.
