

News 29 Apr 2022
Presentation of Scholarship Programs of Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center is held at ASOIU

On April 29, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the opening ceremony of the "Code for Future" scholarship program, implemented by the Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center jointly with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The event was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Chairman of the Executive Board at the Education Quality Assurance Agency of the Ministry of Education Ulker Sattarova, vice-rectors, academic staff, Rector’s Advisor for Information Technology and Innovation Rasim Abdullayev, university staff and students.

ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, saying that various projects in information technologies are being implemented at the university, added that the “Code for future” programs is essential for the university.

Chairman of the Executive Board at the Education Quality Assurance Agency of the Ministry of Education U. Sattarova noted that ASOIU pays great attention to the IT sector and improving the IT skills of young people, and that is why the project is being implemented jointly with ASOIU.

R.Abdullayev, Advisor to the Rector for Information Technologies and Innovations, informed about the scholarship program and said that the registration had been completed and 90 students had already been selected for scholarships.

Gulmira Iskenderzadeh, the coordinator of the Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center, made a presentation on Code for Future scholarship programs and spoke in detail about the courses that will be taught and the goals of the program and the registration process.

It should be noted that out of 1,039 students who applied to the Israel-Azerbaijan Training Center under a scholarship program initiated by the Ministry of Education, 90 were selected for scholarships. Students will be trained in 3 areas of UI / UX, Full / Stack and DevOps 3 times per week for 3 hours.
