

News 30 Apr 2022
The "Have an offer" section is launched on the official website of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU)

The Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) official website has a "Have an offer" section that allows students and staff to submit suggestions in various fields. Students and staff will be allowed to encourage active participation in the teaching and educational process of the university, as well as in social and cultural life, as well as to express new ideas in the field of training to meet the requirements of the modern labour market. On the “Have an offer” platform, students will have the opportunity to submit individual proposals for Science and Education, Innovation, Environment, Landscaping, Youth and Sports, and other categories.


It should be noted that after studying and selecting the proposals of users registered on the Internet resource, it is planned to conduct appropriate assessments together with the relevant departments and offices for their implementation. Students and staff who submit more successful and promising proposals will be rewarded. Proposal statistics will be reviewed, and selected ones will be regularly posted on the site so that users can follow the progress.

