

News 30 Apr 2022
ASOIU commemorates the victims of the April 30 terror

On April 30, a commemoration ceremony dedicated to the memory of the April 30 terrorist attack victims was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The ceremony was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, vice-rectors, faculty, students, family members, and relatives of terror victims.

The commemoration ceremony began in front of a bas-relief in memory of the tragedy victims. A wreath and flowers were laid at the bas-relief on behalf of the ASOIU staff.

Speaking at the event, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli said that the terror attack 13 years ago would not be erased from anyone's memory. Rector M. Babanli noted that the terrorist act left a deep mark on the hearts of everyone, including witnesses, adding that on that day, ASOIU lost precious teachers and students. Rector M. Babanli noted that they would never be forgotten, their memory will always be kept at the university and commemorate the memory of all our martyrs and victims of the terrorist act.

Family members and relatives of the victims of the attack, witnesses and university staff shared their memories and expressed gratitude for the constant perpetuation of the memory of the victims at the university.
