

News 04 May 2022
DAAD Information Event holds at ASOIU

On May 4, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a presentation on the DAAD scholarship program in Germany.

The event was attended by Gebhard Reul, Head of the DAAD Tbilisi regional office, Sever Garayeva, an education consultant in Germany responsible for inquiries from the Republic of Azerbaijan and representatives of the international cooperation department and students.

Director of DAAD Tbilisi Office G. Reul made a presentation on education in Germany, the DAAD scholarship program, DAAD scholarships for Azerbaijan and application rules.

S. Garayeva, an education consultant in Germany, provided detailed information about scholarships in various specialities, master's, PhD and summer language courses in Germany, and the DAAD scholarship program.

At the end, answers were given to students' questions.
