

News 05 May 2022
AzII e-Book House receives another EBSCO Academic E-Book Collection trial

As part of the Azerbaijan Library and Information Consortium, AzII e-Book House received access to EBSCO's academic e-book collection, including more than 205,000 e-books.

Access to the collection will last from May 1 for three months without any payment. All e-books and new books included in the collection will be available to AzII e-Book House readers.

It should be noted that the EBSCO Academic eBook Collection is an interdisciplinary collection of 205,000 eBooks covering a wide range of academic topics and published by leading publishers and university publications (Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Harvard University Press, John Wiley & Sons, Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis, University of California Press, etc.).

ASOIU academic staff and students can access the EBSCO Academic E-Book Collection from the link below. The link is also posted on the AzII e-Book House page.


 EBSCO eBooks Academic Subscription Collection       



