

News 05 May 2022
ASOIU holds a founding conference of ITMF student unions

On May 5, the founding meeting of student unions of the Faculty of Information Technology and Management (ITMF) of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held.

The event was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babaev, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee of the University Namik Ganjaev, ITMF Dean, Associate Professor Farid Agaev, faculty and students.

At the event, the chairpersons of the STUC and their deputies were elected. The chairpersons and deputies of the working groups created at the initiative of students - Qızıl Aypara, for working with families of martyrs and veterans, with groups of creative activists and with a sports organisation were also approved. In addition, the chairpersons and deputies of the STUC, SSS and the chairman of the StartUp group were approved.

Dean, Associate Professor Farid Agayev wished the newly elected chairpersons success in their future activities and recommended actively participating in the public life of the university and social projects.
