

News 06 May 2022
Training on artificial intelligence is held at ASOIU

The Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the "Age of AI" event held by Galactech School and is dedicated to currently a trend globally artificial intelligence.

The training, conducted in an interactive format and English, focused on the latest developments in artificial intelligence and possible future artificial intelligence applications.

The event was attended by Aytaj Malikova, an employee of the Public Relations and Marketing Department of the University, Orkhan Ahmedov, director of the training centre Galactech School, Fidan Alizade, corporate relations manager and students.

The director of the centre, Orkhan Akhmedov, made a presentation on artificial intelligence.

At the end, students' questions were answered, and the participants received special gifts from Galactech School.

It should be noted that Galactech School is an educational brand that brings innovative models to education by conducting research in collaboration with British and American academic and research companies, provides start-up activities for the global market with the EdTech concept, and creates local methodologies to optimise IT learning.
