

News 06 May 2022
AzII e-Book House hosts the book exhibition "Shusha - the cultural capital of Azerbaijan."

On May 6, the AzII e-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a book exhibition, “Shusha – the cultural capital of Azerbaijan”, dedicated to the “Year of Shusha”.

At the exhibition dedicated to the victories of our Victorious Army in the liberation of historical territories, including the heroic city of Shusha and the Shusha fortress, books were presented reflecting the liberation of Shusha, the ancient city of Azerbaijan, the cultural capital, its restoration and reconstruction, the history of Karabakh, outstanding personalities, cultural heritage, the Karabakh war, as well as documents, articles, photo galleries and other documents about Shusha.

The exposition also includes more than 40 books and other materials, including the first fundamental bibliography dedicated to Shusha, prepared by the National Library. The bibliography compiled on the occasion of the first anniversary of the liberation of Shusha reflects the history, culture, music and literary environment of Shusha, historical and architectural monuments, books on socio-political life, and rich materials published in periodicals and magazines.
