

News 11 May 2022
A Memorandum of Cooperation is signed between ASOIU and the State Service for Antimonopoly Control and Supervision of the Consumer Market

On May 11, a meeting was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) with the State Service for Antimonopoly Control and Supervision of the Consumer Market under the Ministry of Economy.

The meeting was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Head of State Service Mammad Abbasbayli, university academic staff and State Service representatives.

Speaking about the work done at the university, cooperation, laboratories, IT courses and possible areas of interaction, Rector M. Babanli talked about the importance of partnership with the State Service and expressed the hope that innovative projects, including research ones, would be implemented through the joint application of education and technology.

Expressing satisfaction with the cooperation with the university, Head of the State Service M. Abbasbayli said the need for highly qualified youth in the labour market. Therefore they will always support the participation of ASOIU students in work practice, summer internships, and the employment of graduates and talented students.

At the end, the parties signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

It should be noted that the memorandum provides for the organisation of internships and summer practices for students, the joint implementation of innovative activities in education and technology, collaborative projects and research, conferences, training and seminars, and the participation of students in internship and certification programs, as well as the employment of graduates and gifted students, the organisation of advanced training courses by the university for employees of the State Service, the holding of "Career Days" and other joint events at the university to inform about the activities of the State Service and available vacancies.
