

News 12 May 2022
Awarding ceremony of co-funded TotalEnergies-French Embassy scholarships at UFAZ

On May 12, the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a presentation of scholarships co-financed by TotalEnergies Absheron EP and the French Embassy.

 The presentation was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan Zachary Gross, Executive Director of TotalEnergies EP Absheron Regis Agut, Executive Director of UFAZ Vazeh Askerov, Secretary-General Elizaveta Bydanova, Head of Education Department Latifa Nasibova, students and media representatives.

Speaking at the event, ASOIU Rector, Professor M. Babanli, assessed the scholarship program implemented by TotalEnergies Absheron EP and the French Embassy for UFAZ students as an excellent incentive for professional development of students in science, congratulated the scholarship holders and wished them success.

 Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan Z.Gross and Executive Director of TotalEnergies EP Absheron R.Agut called the memorandum signed two years ago an essential document to strengthen and develop professional cooperation between the parties in the academic and educational fields. They stressed that the fellowship program is also necessary to train national personnel in contemporary and strategic importance.

 Then a new agreement was signed to provide joint scholarships to 10 UFAZ students under the TotalEnergies - Quai d'Orsay Enterprise program. 10 UFAZ students who won scholarships gave information about themselves, their specialities and plans for the future.

Notably, ten students of French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) will be studying in France for a master's degree during the 2022-2024 academic years. Ten scholarship holders are graduating from UFAZ this year at bachelor’s level in Computer Sciences, Geosciences, Chemistry Engineering, Oil and Gas Engineering specialities and will continue studying in France at master's degree levels for two years in various prestigious French Universities in their field of specialities (Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnologies, Sustainable Future Energy, Materials of the future, Water Engineering, etc.)

TotalEnergies company will grant each scholarship holder a monthly study allowance covering living expenses in France and their travel expenses between Azerbaijan and France, and the possible organisation of an intensive French language learning course.

At the same time, the French Embassy will grant the ten selected students with the special status of French government scholarship holder, thus taking charge of the university tuition fees, accommodation assistance and social security in France and issuing a visa free of charge.
