

News 13 May 2022
A Memorandum is signed between ASOIU and SPM Oil and Gas.

A Memorandum is signed between ASOIU and SPM Oil and Gas.
On May 13, a meeting with SPM Oil and Gas was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The meeting was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, vice-rectors, university academic staff, Elnur Gulamov, General Manager Russia and Caspian Region of SPM Oil and Gas and a delegation.

Opening the event, the Rector, Professor M. Babanli, spoke about the work done at the university, cooperation, accredited specialities, and the job done to improve the quality of education.

Noting that the compliance of personnel with the requirements of the modern labour market is one of the priorities of the university, Rector M. Babanli said that to train personnel for the needs of SPM Oil and Gas is vital to involve students in internships in the company and to create conditions for the company's specialists hold seminars as visiting professors.

Regional Director of "SPM Oil and Gas" E. Gulamov, informing the participants about the company he represents, noted that they are interested in developing innovative projects with ASOIU, implementing new ideas, and creating opportunities for students to have an internship.

At the end, the parties signed a memorandum of cooperation.

It should be noted that the Memorandum provides for the creation of conditions for students and teachers of ASOIU to get acquainted with the technologies and products used in the oil industry, the organisation of seminars for students, support for lectures within the curriculum, as well as the university sending information to the company.
