

News 13 May 2022
An excursion for high school students is organised at ASOIU

A new stage of cooperation between the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and Fortis Group LLC continues. On May 13, high school students studying at the training centre of the Fortis Academy project, created by Fortis Group LLC to support education, visited the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

In the beginning, the schoolchildren visited the ASOIU History Museum and got acquainted with the exhibits about the history of oil and the university. Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs of the university, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, conveyed to the pupils the greetings of the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli and gave detailed information about the hundred-year history of the university, its activities in different periods, and honorary graduates. Then the schoolchildren visited the Mineralogical Museum of the University and got acquainted with various exhibits. Pupils toured the university library, classrooms, and laboratories and got taught about the educational process at the university.

It should be noted that the tour's purpose is to familiarise schoolchildren with the university environment.
