

News 16 May 2022
ASOIU student takes first place in "Oil and gas expert 2021" Olympiad

Students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) became the winners of the English Olympiad "Oil and gas expert 2021", organised by the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU).

Ali Shukurlu, 1st-year student of ASOIU BA programs (1st place); Alina Berzigiyazova, a 3rd-year Oil-Gas production Faculty (OGPF) student; and Najiba Sultanova, 2nd-year student of the Zu program, took part in the International Olympiad held online. In addition, for the preparation and delegation of students to participate in the Olympiad, Elena Valieva, senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the University, and Associate Professor of the Department, Gulnara Akhmedova, were awarded letters of thanks.

Note that the two-stage International Olympiad started on December 11. Bachelor's degree students and specialists from non-linguistic universities took part in the Olympiad. Participants completed several test tasks in reading, grammar, writing, and vocabulary and wrote an essay on a given topic during the Olympiad. The competition jury carried out the evaluation, and the winners were announced on December 29. The winners were awarded diplomas from USPTU, and the teachers who prepared the competition winners were awarded letters of thanks from USPTU.
