

News 18 May 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding is signed between ASOIU and NetCad

On May 17, a meeting with NetCad was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The meeting was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Director of the Research Institute "Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry" of ASOIU, Rauf Aliyarov, Vice-Rector for Research, Professor Latafat Gardashova, Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration, Associate Professor Namad Pashayev, as well as NetCad Co-CEO Bahadir Ilgac and delegation.

NetCad Co-CEO Bahadir Ilgac made a presentation and gave general information about the work done by the company.

Banu Ilker, General Director of the Strategy and Business Development Department of the company, and Manager, Serkan Demirel, informed the participants about the company's activities and made a presentation on products, technologies and innovative projects.

Noting that there is a long-term cooperation with the company, Rector Professor M. Babanli expressed satisfaction with this cooperation and stressed the importance of joint work on all future projects.

Noting that there are cooperation relations with 91 countries, NetCad Co-CEO B.Ilgac spoke about joint academic cooperation and said they are ready to cooperate with the university in various areas. Then the parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

It should be noted that, according to the memorandum, from the 2022/2023 academic year, for 4th-year students of the Geological Exploration Faculty, by the curriculum, programming lessons will be taught by ASOIU teachers who participated in training within the NetCad programs.
