

News 20 May 2022
Scientific-practical seminar dedicated to the World Metrology Day is held at ASOIU

On May 20, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the third scientific-practical seminar connected with the World Metrology Day, dedicated to the "Year of Shusha".

Opening the seminar on "Metrology in the Digital Age", Associate Professor Lala Bakirova, Head of the Department of Instrument Engineering, spoke about the important role of metrology in improving living standards, protecting the environment, human security, scientific and technical research, as well as the development of the global economy and scientific and technological progress. Speaking about the work done in this area in the country in recent years, L. Bakirova said that along with the computerization of measuring equipment, its metrological support is also being intensively carried out.

The seminar included speeches on different topics Vugar Mammadov, Head of the Metrology and Standardization Office, IT and Communications Department of SOCAR, on the topic "The Importance of Metrology in the Oil Industry in the Digital Age", Rashid Mammadov, Head of the Calibration Laboratory of CBM Engineering LLC, on "The digitalization of legal metrology", Rakhim Mukhtarov, Head of the metrology laboratory of Azersun Holding LLC, on "The impact of metrology on the economy and our life in the digital age", Elmin Bagishov, Head of the "Standardization and Metrology" department of MKT Production Commercial LLC on the "Safety metrological data in the digital age", Laman Javanshirova, Metrology Engineer of the Temperature Measurement Laboratory of Optimum Metrology Services LLC, on the topic "3D Metrology" and Naila Hasanova, Metrology Engineer of the Laboratory of AzeTest LLC Experimental Testing Center on the topic "3D Metrology".
