

News 23 May 2022
The 12th Alumni-Career Exhibition is held at ASOIU

On May 21, the 12th Alumni-Career Exhibition was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The exhibition was attended by 73 government agencies and private companies, including the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Defense Industry, the State Employment Agency, the Food Safety Agency, SOCAR, AzerEnergy OJSC, Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, "Baku Metropolitan" CJSC, AzerGold CJSC, Azercell, Azerfloat CJSC and others. ASOIU students and graduates were offered 219 vacancies and 270 internships at the exhibition.

Welcoming the exhibition participants, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli said that the Alumni-Career Exhibition, traditionally held at the university, plays an essential role in providing jobs for students and graduates and expanding internship opportunities. The Alumni-Career Exhibition is a convenient platform for establishing mutually beneficial cooperation between graduates and employers. Stressing that the training of highly qualified personnel for the national economy and industry is a priority for the university, Rector M. Babanli thanked the representatives of all organizations participating in the exhibition.

Speaking at the exhibition's opening ceremony, the Chairman of the Board of the State Employment Agency, Mustafa Abbasbayli, talked about the attention and care shown to young people in Azerbaijan. He noted that the organization of such exhibitions is essential, and cooperation with students and universities also includes the labour market requirements. M. Abbasbayli added that the goal is to train young people as qualified specialists and provide them with jobs in the labour market and their specialities.

Folk dance numbers performed by ASOIU's Ganjlik Song and Dance Ensemble were demonstrated at the exhibition, and students performed various musical numbers.

Then ASOIU Rector, Professor M. Babanli, vice-rectors, students and graduates got acquainted with the stands of the organizations participating in the exhibition. The company's representatives informed the Rector M. Babanli about vacancies and internship programs.

During the exhibition, Bahruz Nazarov, Director of the Public Relations and Marketing Department of the University, also spoke about the site "career.asoiu.edu.az". According to him, students can get more detailed information about vacancies, internships and employment opportunities provided by companies at the exhibition on the website of the Alumni Career Center.
