

News 25 May 2022
ASOIU Rector meets with the University Basketball Team

On May 23, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli, met with the university's basketball team.

Congratulating the ASOIU basketball team, which won second place in the final of the Republican Tournament of the Azerbaijan Basketball Federation Cup, on a great victory, Rector M. Babanli highly appreciated the success of our team and stressed that the university will always support the youth.

Rector M. Babanli said that in addition to quality education, the university has all the conditions to ensure the students' participation in sports and other competitions, and called the victory of our basketball team a remarkable achievement in the university sports life in recent years. He added that the university would do everything possible to support the team to achieve even greater success.

It should be noted that in the basketball championship organized by the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic and the Azerbaijan Basketball Federation among higher educational institutions, the basketball team of ASOIU reached the final of 24 teams and took second place.

