

News 25 May 2022
ASOIU hosts a meeting with members of the “One Volunteer” organisation

On May 24, a meeting between members of the One Volunteer organisation and students was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, delivered a speech and conveyed the greetings of the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, to the participants. He spoke about the conditions created for the comprehensive development of youth in our country, including at ASOIU. He noted that young people with great enthusiasm carry out the volunteer mission. The Vice-Rector added that our youth, including ASOIU student volunteers, actively participate in various international events, marathons and sports competitions held in Azerbaijan.

In his speech, the organisation's chairman, One Volunteer, Ulvi Alizade, spoke about the mission, activities, work done over the past year, future projects, and general organisation statistics. At the event, held with the participation of first-years, was provided detailed information about the process of joining the organisation and the benefits of volunteering.

Then, a video was demonstrated showing the activities of young volunteers at various events. In addition, answers were given to questions about the volunteer activities of leading students, the opportunities created by volunteering, about the experience gained.

It should be noted that since April 25 this year, the One Volunteer organisation has held information sessions with students from 15 educational institutions. The student volunteer program "Bir" (One) allows students to participate in international and local projects and government events, make student life more vibrant and useful, provide personal and professional development, expand career opportunities, make new friends and have other positive qualities.

It should be noted that the organisation, which has more than 30 thousand volunteers, covers 28 higher, 18 secondary and ten vocational education institutions. In total, the One Volunteer organisation that organises more than 750 events held in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Sheki, Masalli, Lankaran, Guba, Goychay, Mingachevir, Shamakhi, has attracted about 200 student volunteers to organise events since the 2021-2022 academic year in the Karabakh region (Shusha, Aghdam) and support for the reconstruction of the area.
