

News 26 May 2022
Training is held at ASOIU within the framework of the project "Social activity and development of students in educational institutions"

On May 25, at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), a training was held within the project "Social activity and development of students in educational institutions". The President of the International Eurasian Press Fund (IEPF), the author of several international projects, well-known journalist Ubud Mirzoev presented on the topic "The right choice of career. What to do when job opportunities are limited?", and Specialist of the Information Security Organization Department of AzIntelecom LLC, operating under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, Rahima Mammadova presented "Development of Digital Skills. Cyber Security" topic.

During the training, students have been taught the importance of digital skills. To close the growing gap between the skills that employers need and the number of candidates with the required technical knowledge, professionals from all fields, even those without higher education, were instructed on the importance of acquiring such digital skills and what to do about it. Cybersecurity, which has become a global problem, and ways to protect oneself in a cyber environment have been key priorities in training. They were also instructed on how to build their careers, where to start first, determine where they could go, and study the labour market.

It should be noted that the implementation of the project "Social activity and development of students in educational institutions" implemented by the International Eurasia Press Fund, winner of the grant competition "Support to public initiatives for the development of education", announced by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The aim is to improve and develop students' social activities and involve them in community service by understanding social responsibility. It is also planned to organise meetings of selected students with the heads of several government agencies. At the end of the project, summer courses will be organised, and certificates will be awarded to students selected with active participation.
