

News 27 May 2022
UFAZ hosts the “Night of Ideas” event of the Association of Azerbaijani Alumni of France

On May 26, the French Embassy, the French Institute in Azerbaijan, the Association of Azerbaijani Alumni of France (AAAF) and Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) organized an event entitled "Night of Ideas" for Azerbaijanis who have completed higher and professional education in France at the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Welcoming the alumni, the President of the Association of Azerbaijani Alumni of France, the Executive Director of UFAZ Vazeh Askarov, noted that about 600 Azerbaijani are currently alumni of France. French Ambassador to Azerbaijan Zakarie Gross called on the alumni to be active in the reconstruction and revival of the Caucasus.

7 French-educated professionals shared their experiences and insights on these topics and held discussions with other alumni. The presentations covered various topics: global warming and its impact on the planet and Azerbaijan; circular economy based on the principle of recycling and recycling of processed products; development of clean and interconnected urban transport networks; the role of civil society and international relations in the development and modernization of simple production and consumption methods/countries that respect the protection of the environment.

It should be noted that the event aims to create dynamics around the network of Azerbaijani Alumni of France from all generations, and different academic and professional fields, referring to the recently established AAAF (Association of Azerbaijani Alumni of France) with the support of the French Embassy.

The "Night of Ideas" event is a moment of reflection, dialogue and exchange between French Alumni around key contemporary issues.

The "Night of Ideas" for graduates is held annually by the French Institute. Its goal is to bring together French graduates worldwide to exchange views on critical societal issues.
